Wednesday, November 3, 2010

One down, one more to go.

I did it! I passed my theoretical driving exam. I'm half-way to getting a valid left-hand driving license. Yee haw! I was a little nervous before the exam. One of the main reason being, I didn't even bother studying for it. My so called studying consisted of scanning through the notes and glancing at the road signs in the span of 30 minutes right before I was to take the exam. I'm happy to say that my almost non-existing effort in preparing for the exam scored me a 28 over 35. I can't believe that I had only just made it. One more mistake and I would have failed and had to redo the exam. Thank goodness.

After waiting for more than 2 hours, I finally got my certificate and the date of my practical exam. Looks like I'll be sitting for that in a little over a month from now. Thinking about that one is giving heart palpitations. Looks like it'll be another month of anxiety for me. Seriously, I'm so hating this. The things that I have to go through just to be able to have a little piece of freedom. *sigh*

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